Trickling Filter Design Calculations Spreadsheet

Where to Find a Trickling Filter Design Calculations Spreadsheet using the NRC Formula

To obtain a trickling filter design calculations spreadsheet using the NRC formula, click here to visit our spreadsheet store.  For use in making trickling filter design calculations with the NRC equation, you can buy a convenient trickling filter design calculations spreadsheet for a very reasonable price.  This spreadsheet will use the NRC equations to calculate the trickling filter diameter needed for either a single stage or a two stage system and will calculate the estimated treatment efficiency for a specified trickling filter system, in either U.S. or S.I. units.  Read on for information about a trickling filter design calculation spreadsheet that uses the NRC formula.

Trickling Filter Design Calculations Background

The trickling filter process is widely used for biological wastewater treatment all over the world.  It is an attached growth biological wastewater treatment process.  The aerobic microorganisms grow on a solid medium and the wastewater to be treated flows through the bed.  A flow diagram for a typical single stage trickling filter wastewater treatment plant is shown in the diagram below.  The diagram shows the typical flow pattern through the primary clarifier, trickling filter and secondary clarifier.

trickling filter design calculations spreadsheet flow diagram

Example Trickling Filter Design Calculations Spreadsheet

A trickling filter design calculations spreadsheet  is partially shown in the image below.  It can be used to calculate the trickling filter diameter needed for either a single stage or a two stage trickling filter system using the  NRC formula.  The spreadsheet will also calculate an estimated treatment efficiency for a specified single stage or two stage trickling filter system. This Excel spreadsheet, as well as others for wastewater treatment calculations, is available in either U.S. or S.I. units for a very reasonable price in our spreadsheet store.

Trickling Filter Design Calculations Spreadsheet Screenshot

References for Further Information:

1. Metcalf & Eddy, Inc, (revised by Tchobanoglous, G, Burton, F.L., Stensel, H.D., Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, 4th Edition, New York, NY, 2003.

2. Vesilind, P.A. and Morgan, S.M., Introduction to Environmental Engineering, 2nd Edition, Belmont, CA, Brooks/Cole, 2004.

3. Bengtson, H. H., “Trickling Filter NRC Equation Spreadsheet“, a blog article at

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